About Porto Alegre

Porto Alegre is the state capital of Rio Grande do Sul and the biggest urban agglomeration of south Brazil, with a metropolitan area of 4 milion inhabitants. The perfect blend of Brazilian-Portuguese and Platinian-Spanish cultures, added to a strong European heritage gives the city a unique background within Brazil. The city is one of the richest metropolis in the country, the state capital with the highest life quality and literacy rate (97%).


Porto Alegre is a major industrial center in southern Brazil and is located in a strategic area for Mercosur due to its proximity to Buenos Aires, Montevideo, and Rosario. The city is sited at the conjunction of five rivers, including the Guaíba River (which is really a lake).


Porto Alegre was the site of the 1st World Social Forum in 2002, 2003 and 2005. It is known for being the first city in the world to successfully implement a participative budget, in operation since 1989, which has been copied by at least 70 other cities in Brazil, as well as towns and cities in other countries, including Spain, and Rosario, in Argentina.

  • Casa de Cultura Mario Quintana
  • Puente
  • Estatua
  • Land
  • Fabrica
  • Night


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