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About Metropolis


Metropolis is the World Association of Major Metropolises. Created in 1985, the Metropolis Association is represented by more than 100 members from across the world and operates as an international forum for exploring issues and concerns common to all big cities and metropolitan regions.


Metropolis wishes to build a global alliance between metropolitan governments and their associates to promote urban sustainability:


    * Promoting a cross-sectoral approach and inter-relations between the different aspects of urban sustainability: environmental, economic, social and cultural.

    * Acting both in already urbanized metropolitan regions and ones in a phase of strong urban growth.

    * Defining public-private action and cooperation projects between institutions and levels of government.

    * Working to reduce the sustainability gap and to promote innovation and metropolitan governance.


About the Congress


From 23 to 26 November 2011, Porto Alegre (Brazil), the Capital of Participatory Democracy, will become the scenario for Metropolis member cities and worldwide recognized Keynote Speakers for debating and exchanging experiences on how to make the transition towards this new urban world. The congress therefore will revolve around the theme “Cities in Transition”.


The 10th Metropolis World Congress is a unique exchange and networking opportunity that gathers urban planners, government leaders, city managers, urban management experts, international NGOs, academics, private companies and other important stakeholders from around the world. 


  • Objectives 

Create a forum to discuss:


  • The current urban context in constant evolution.
  • The revision of urban policies undertaken to date.  
  • The application of creative and sustainable solutions under a new paradigm that improves the quality of life of citizens. 
  • The role of the private sector as important driver towards urban sustainability. 
  • The multi-level governance including public, private sectors and civil society. 


  • Program


The 9th Metropolis World Congress 2008 in Sydney


The 9th World Congress of Metropolis held in Sydney from 22 to 25 October 2008 hailed great success with:


    * 600 formal delegates

    * 800 people at the opening ceremony

    * 800 people attending the public talk held by the City of Sydney

    * 500 school students involved

    * 400 delegates attending satellite events

    * 350 members of the public attending the open forum Agora

    * 5 dedicated Metropolis research books published

    * 10 thousand copies of the research books distributed

    * 25 Congress Partners and 12 Industry Partners

    * 80 cities represented


Overall, the Congress featured 58 sessions and gathered approximately 150 speakers. Additionally, the Congress held social events at such remarkable venues as Sydney Opera House and the Overseas Passenger Terminal. The press conferences and the media results include the front- page story in the Sydney Morning Herald, articles in all major Sydney Metropolitan Newspapers, local television and radio coverage including Channel 7 and ABC TV, SBS radio interviews in many languages.


Click here to check the full event report


Sponsorship levels


Master sponsor

Major Sponsor

Sponsor for specific events

Institutional support


Contact the organization team to become a partner and get detailed information on the benefits and prices:


cisco claro fiat gdfsuez golmobile


unhabitat uclg unitar mercociudades rio20 fmdv embarq
consulat asci inta wbcsd mobility ciudades niua


govbrasil ministerio riogrande secretaria govsao fnp cnm
cifal mbc mbc


afpoa procempa teatro afpoa unisinos ufrgs santander
portoalegre federasul