Technical visits


Eco Reserves

Porto Alegre is one of the cities with the most expansive green areas in Brazil. Over the last 20 years the City Government has managed to create and maintain two large Natural Reserves inside the city area. These two natural areas (Morro do Osso Reserve and Lami Reserve) will be visited.


City Mobility – Mega Events Preparation

Porto Alegre is facing the challenge of creating a sustainable environment, with all the mobility and traffic issues this involves, in the run-up to hosting the FIFA World Cup. Participants will tour the Traffic Control Center, established as a result of technical cooperation with Stuttgart, and the work areas of the 2014 FIFA World Cup.


Chocolatao Project

Uncontrolled metropolitan growth has seen urban resettlements become a common requirement in large cities in developing countries. This Tec Visit will be a chance to showcase one such example, in the form of the Vila do Chocolatao Project in Porto Alegre.


Tec Parks

Porto Alegre has been endeavoring over the past decade to create a welcoming environment for technological advances. Participants will witness the solutions the City has created together with the public technology company, PROCEMPA, as well as the main technology parks in Porto Alegre, the largest in southern Brazil.



Porto Alegre has been investing in sanitation and water management and the PISA (Social and Environmental Integrated Project) is the largest such project in the city’s history, as well as one of the biggest in Brazil. It will see the city increase its treated sewage figures from 27% to 77%.



cisco claro fiat gdfsuez golmobile


unhabitat uclg unitar mercociudades rio20 fmdv embarq
consulat asci inta wbcsd mobility ciudades niua


govbrasil ministerio riogrande secretaria govsao fnp cnm
cifal mbc mbc


afpoa procempa teatro afpoa unisinos ufrgs santander
portoalegre federasul